Hello World!

I'm Arriann. A fun-loving, tech-savvy, adventure-seeking software engineer. I believe that the key to creating innovative solutions is to draw inspiration from the diversity of the world around us. Every person, culture, and experience has something unique to offer, and I'm committed to incorporating those perspectives into my work.

My Work

Here are a few of my projects, take a look...

Cocktail Ninja Web App

Cocktail Ninja

Tech Stack: HTML CSS JavaScript

A website that uses a RESTful API to provide access to a database of over 10,000 cocktails and can be used to create custom cocktails.

Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissors

Tech Stack: HTML CSS JavaScript

A simple game of rock, paper, scissors that allows a user to play against the computer with results immediately displayed.

Beautique Salon Website

Beautique Salon

Tech Stack: HTML CSS

A clean and visually appealing design that reflects the brand image and caters to the salon's target audience.

Regal Heights Hotel Website

Regal Heights Hotel

Tech Stack: HTML CSS

A clear, concise and responsive website that's easily accessible and optimised for search engines.

Cake Delights Website

Cake Delights

Tech Stack: HTML CSS

A colourful, fun and user friendly website that reflects the essence and values of the brand.

My Services

My commitment is to deliver finished projects that surpass your initial vision and expectations.
Knowing what to expect when we work together is critical - here is how I deliver success:


I believe that great projects begin with great conversation, and I’m here to start that conversation with you. We will discuss your project to identify key information and determine the direction you want to go.


Once I've gathered all of the necessary information, I will develop a detailed proposal that outline a recommended plan of action, a breakdown of the project scope and deliverables, as well as a timeline and budget estimate.


I take your ideas and turn them into a working prototype or mockup - refining, improving and testing to ensure that it meets your specification and all functional and performance requirements.


Where vision meets reality! At the end of the process, I will deliver a fully functional and tested product that meets your expectations and achieves your goals with ongoing support available for your peace of mind.

Lets Connect

I am available to take on new freelance clients and exciting projects. Send me a message or email arriann.lee@gmail.com.